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growing vigorously. prospering. flourishing.

Lonoke Baptist Church has always kept the education of students a priority. In August of 2018, we began to call ourselves THRIVE – Lonoke Baptist Students.

With the growing separation of ideas, beliefs and walks of life in our culture today, we can sometimes lose sight of that which unites us and we tend to focus on our differences and thus we become driven apart. THRIVE is in place to help students stay connected and to become “rooted” in the teachings of Jesus Christ, but to also learn how to grow alongside each other through Christ’s strength and love.

who we are.

At Lonoke Baptist, one of our missions is to make our environment safe and inviting to all students.  We emphasize Unity within the group, a focus on embracing Identity in Christ, and learning to Love each other despite differences.  Each student should expect to grow and mature in these areas but also expect to learn how to Serve each other!  If you are musical in any way, we want you to use your gifts here.  If you are good with computers, or have an interest in sound or lighting, we have a place where you can learn and serve in those areas.  If you are outgoing and a real people person, we need you to help greet visitors or work in our Thrive Store!  Bottom line, we want you to serve and there will always be something for you to take ownership in, other than just being in a really cool facility and being a part of the group.  Come join us!  We would love to get to know you and find out how we can encourage you on your path and where we can plug you in to serve with us!

what we do.


LEAD stands for Learning, Educating, and Development. As church leaders, we want our students to learn how to LEAD… how to lead Godly lives, to lead by example, and to lead others to Christ. This ministry is a way that we can put them in a position to learn and to put into practice healthy habits that will help them in their pursuit of godliness and discipleship. Some of the areas that will be emphasized/encouraged are: Choir, Instrumental, Acting, Arts, Dance, Praise Team, Praise Band, Preaching/Teaching.


Recharge is the name for our breakout groups on Wednesday nights after the large group worship/lesson time. This will consist of 4 groups: JV girls, JV guys, High School girls, and High School guys. JV is 7th-9th // High School is 10th-12th.

These groups are led by Thrive Advocates (adult leaders) and generally consist of further discussion or follow-up to the night’s lesson/topic.

Large Group Game & Overview: 6:00-6:20

Small Group Time: 6:20-7:00


Through establishing long-term relationships in a small group setting with adult mentors and providing Bible study, prayer, and accountability, we wish to see students transformed into disciples of Christ 

Students come together for an Ice-Breaker-type game, then brief overview of the small group lesson, as well as prayer. On the first Sunday of every month, we will all meet together for a Q&A time where we can discuss tough topics.

This time is designed for students to be able to come together in a closed group and be totally honest and open about the struggles and victories of their life and seek guidance and support, not only from each other, but also an adult mentor who knows and cares for them. To close out small groups each night students will share prayer requests and spend the last few minutes with their group in prayer.

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